FORTUNA CHOCOLATE organic, ancestral, sustainable

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Restaurants are deep in efforts towards change

Since official closures in March restaurants, cafes bars + have become a number of different formations of themselves, and for months their doors have been closed to diners and equally important closed to staff.  When we heard about the situation facing local restaurants we took action.  Many restaurants had set up fundraising sites for their furloughed employees and we wanted to help.  Beginning in April we started collaborating with six restaurants in Boulder / Denver to produce a limited run specialty chocolate.  Each team chose an ingredient readily available in their quarantine pantries, one that represented the spirit of their team.  Since then we have been selling the co-branded chocolate on our website and donating 50% of sales to the furloughed team funds. 

Restaurants employ many of the vulnerable members in our communities and the loss of these jobs inevitably means additional difficulty for those already marginalized.  With doors slowly opening and work becoming available for many, we continue to offer the delicious flavors that were born of these Spring collaborations.  You will start to see them available from our regular stockists , on to go menus of restaurants themselves in addition to our online shop. 

The restaurant, bar, cafe+  industry is transforming and along with it the lives of those who have made their lives in both the front of the house as well as in the back.  If you would like to learn more about changes in how the industry celebrates 'achievement' read this NYT article about the cancellation of The James Beard Awards, some call the Oscars of the food world.